How to convert a quick request into a quote request?

Convert quick requests into quote requests and invite providers to submit quotations.

Upon submission of a quick request, users in the logistics team receive an email notification about the newly created request. The email contains a link redirecting to the Cargobase platform for the user to view the details and convert the quick request into a quote request.

  1. Search for the Quick Request reference (e.g. QR123456789) via the Universal Search or the Sidebar.
  2. If needed:
    1. Click Shipment Details to review the information entered.
    2. Click Write a comment to share internal notes with teammates.
  3. Go to the top right corner of the quick request screen and click Convert image-png-Feb-24-2024-08-39-01-7119-AM.


What's next?

Upon clicking Convert, you will be brought to the quote request page to edit and confirm the details of the request. Follow the steps of creating a quote request to complete the process.

Creating a quote request from a quick request does not require to click Cargobase Plus [the + icon].