Using the AHA! Portal to add an Idea

Help us build a better product by sharing with us new ideas you hope to see on Cargobase!

At Cargobase, we encourage you to share your innovative ideas to help enhance our product. Users with the appropriate access can visit the Portal to submit their suggestions.

After logging in, you can explore public ideas displayed on the Dashboard.

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To submit your own idea, click on the 'Add a New Idea' blue button on the left panel. 

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Complete the template to post an idea. 

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  1.  Your idea - Provider a title to your idea in this field. If a similar idea has already been submitted, it will appear in the grey box. We encourage you to review these ideas and consider voting for one that aligns with your suggestion instead of creating a duplicate.Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 12.00.14 PM
  2. Explain your requested business case and current process - Provide details about your feature request and explain your current workflow, either on and off the platform. 
  3. Affected TMS Module - Select the Cargobase module where you would like this new idea to be added.
  4. Supporting Attachments (optional) - Attach any supporting documents or workflows that can help clarify your request.

  5. Click 'Add Idea' to post your idea.

Initially, the submitted idea will be restricted to view only by the creator and the Cargobase team.

After the Cargobase team reviews your submission, the idea will be made visible to all users, allowing them to view and vote on it.

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On the left side of the portal, search a keyword to check if an idea already exists. You can also view your own ideas via 'My Ideas' and view the votes you casted via 'My Votes'. 

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This Ideas portal is only available to Shippers. If you would like to gain access to the portal, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.