How to Create and Export Report?

Learn how to export the necessary data into an Excel file by following the steps outlined below.

How to Create and Save reports in Excel format

  • Go to Analytics tab on the sidebar.
  • Within the section labeled as 'Generated Reports', you have the ability to review the list of previously created reports. From here, you can choose to either download or delete the specific report as needed.
  • To start creating a new report, click the drop down arrow at 'Create Report' section.
  • You should see these report options available - Shipments, Quotes, Invoices.

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Choose a report type based on your needs

The system offers three distinct types of reports, each tailored to provide unique datasets for analyzing various operational aspects within Cargobase.

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  • Shipments: each line of the report contains a shipment. This report includes all booked requests under all statuses (Booked, Shipping, Delayed, Delivered,  Incomplete, Canceled).
  • Quotes: each line of the report contains a quotation. This report includes all quotations that have been submitted to the Shipper for review, as well as those requests for which you did not provide a quote.
  • Invoices: each line of the report contains an invoice. This report includes all invoices submitted with various statuses such as Awaiting Audit, Approved, Declined, and Removed. Data will only be available if the Shipper mandates the submission of invoices through the platform.

Set filters to extract the data needed

You have the option to customize filters and criteria for each report to extract the specific data you require.

For example, in the Quotes Report, you can:

  1. Select the period of the requested information.
  2. Select the Team Names.
  3. Select the Shipper Names.
  4. Select the Freight Modes.
  5. Click Generate report to create the report. The generated report will be saved in the Reports section.

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