You can update extra costs or fees while a shipment is in transit using the 'Add additional costs' or 'Add Discounts' feature on Cargobase.
Once a Shipment starts moving, you can update the costs and notify the Shipper of these cost changes in Cargobase.
Go to the Cost details card on your Tracking page. You should verify the Total Quoted Amount based on the previously submitted quotation.
Click on Add cost to update the costs.
The newly added additional costs or discounts will show up at the Cost details card. The Shipper will promptly receive updates on the revised pricing.
If the cost update is no longer necessary, hover to the end of the cost and click on the 'dustbin' icon to remove the cost.
Keep your Shippers informed about any changes in costs to avoid surprises when they receive the final invoice.
If your Shippers have the in transit cost approval on, they will have to approve it on their end. In your view, there will be a tag showing 'Pending approval' at the cost items.