Add a new Provider user via Admin Settings

How to add a new user to your team?

Most, but not all, users on Cargobase have the ability to invite additional team members to the platform. Watch this quick video on how to do this, or follow the instructions below.

Ensure you select the appropriate team for the users. Without a team, the user can access the platform, but cannot access your shipments.



Find the user creation form in 4 steps

  1. Click your name on the top right corner of the page.
  2. Click "Settings" in the drop-down menu.
  3. Click "Admin settings" on the left side of the page.
  4. Click "Users" in the drop-down menu.

Complete the user creation form

Click the green button "Add new user" on the top right corner of the page:

Add a new user by completing the form:

  • Enter the email address of the user.
  • Enter the first name and the last name of the user.
  • Select a user role (The difference in a user role will depend on the company setup).
  • Select one or more teams.
  • Click "Create new user" to save the new team member's account:


Your colleague will receive an email with a link to activate their Cargobase account.